Run To Paradise

Hosted by Pond’s lead singer and runner extraordinaire, Nicholas Allbrook. Nick has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and will be chatting with some of the world’s best runners, musicians, historians and more on his quest to deliver a unique, educational and inspiring take on the multidimensional world of running. Pond: Is one of Australia’s most loved bands with up to a million Spotify listens globally a month. Supported by - The world’s most eco-friendly high-performance running shoes.

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Friday Mar 15, 2024

I saw Margaret Glaspy’s trio play in LA and was soooooooo inspired (jealous) of their dynamism and subtlety, her voice, the depth of emotions totally stuffed me, so upon finding out that Margaret was a runner I almost expired with adoration. So, needless to say, I was pretty stoked when we finally got to meet and talk about all the good stuff - balancing life, art and running, training while on tour, her pal Courtney Dauwalter (!), shwagger and mojo and Margarets predilection towards the immediacy of live recording sessions. 
If you want to actually support Margaret - which you definitely should because she is awesome and hard working and talented duh - get on that tharr internet and buy her record or some merch! Or, even better, go to your local record store and march up to the weird sweaty clerk in a trench coat who smells like a conepiece, hold your head up high and say, “I’ll take one copy of Echo the Diamond by Margaret Glaspy!”
Have a good one! Seeya next time!
Much love to Tarkine for sponsoring the show and initiating the whole thing, giving me an opportunity for me to chat with these amazing people. They also make great shoes. 

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Hi Champions! It’s me, Nick, howsitgarn? Great to hear. I’m coming to you from my hotel room mid rock band tour so excuse the grubby sound quality in the intro. 
This episode is a chat with Deo Kato, a ridiculously strong runner, community leader and activist. Inspired by the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955, when African Americans in Alabama staged a civil rights protest for 381 days Deo started the Running for Justice movement, where he ran 10ks every day for 381 days. This movement was taken on by other members of the running community and has now become some kind of epic protest relay that has been going for 4 years! The longest continuous protest of its kind I think!? The ripples this has caused is a testament to Deo’s strength as a leader and his ability to rally people around a cause and inspire with a positive message. 
But now he’s taken on something waaaaaaaaaay bigger. He’s running from CAPE TOWN TO LONDON. My mind ist blown. Deo is tracing the path of human historical migration, as our species spread across the globe from our roots in Africa. He is showing the world that we are all one people, who have - and can again - achieve incredible things. The elegance and power of this message is unlike anything I’ve seen or heard to be honest. It feels almost artistic in its scope and message. 
Anyway enough of my jabbering, listen to Deo explain it heaps better than me, then click the link below and donate to his cause because it is of great significance to all of us! And Deo is a lovely lovely person even though he's probably heinously tired.
Thanks for listening!
And thanks Tarkine for the support you guys firkin rock 

Monday Jan 29, 2024

In this episode Blank Bruno and I discuss the Saddles 100 ultra, living a balanced and fun life, letting go of races, becoming the first non-binary finisher of the Chicago Marathon (2.47!!) and the myriad profound and spiritual experiences that grow from a life dedicated to running, learning, art and the Buddhist practice. 
Bruno is an immensely deep thinker, and approaches running with not only athletic talent, but philosophy, spirituality and humour. Time unravels. Ego dissolves. Ancient bodies are inhabited. Rain is suckled. Feet kiss earth with foot lips. Human becomes dog. 
Bruno is a gentle and deep soul, who will gently kick your ass on the track. 
This episode of Run To Paradise was made by Nicholas Allbrook on the unceded lands of Wadjuk Nyoongar people. We thank them for their continued custodianship of this beautiful place where we run work and play. 

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

Hello all!
It’s getting hot in here, so blah blah blah. El Nino is threatening to make this Birak (in Nyoongar) long, dry and very hot in the Southern Hemisphere, so I went scrambling around the country trying to figure out if there was any way to make life more bearable as a runner in the boiling antipodean summer. 
Does sauna training work? How do you hydrate properly? Does punishing yourself in the midday sun make you a better runner? Are some people born for it? Who are you? Who am I and what am I doing here? 
To answer these questions I went on a very long and circuitous journey which led me to Darryl Griffiths (founder of Koda nutrition and author of ‘Sweat. Think. Go faster.’), doing a sweat test on myself, speaking to the fabulous ultra marathon champion Sarah Ludowici, and training (and going to the speedway) in the far north west. 
God knows if I found anything useful but eh, I had fun, so enjoy this bizarre exploration of HEAT!
Note, this podcast is just made by me alone, we don’t have anyone fact checking like other big fancy podcasts. Trust or do not trust what guests and I say at your own discretion. 
Except Sarah. Definitely trust Sarah coz that is some of the best advice you’ll get. I encourage everyone to take what she says on, and be gentle with yourself, for your own mental health, and to run better and happier! 
Also, don’t compare your summer running to your winter running. I’ve seen so many smart people, (and some dumb ones) do this and get despondent about their declining fitness. Don’t. You WILL slow down in the heat. 
Anyway I’ll shut up now Bye!!

Saturday Dec 09, 2023

Delicate Steve is both a guitar god and gentle creative soul. He’s also a mad jog dog. I’ve been enamoured by his music (well, one album) for about a decade now and was very stoked to meet up in his favourite running park to eat an overpriced shmoofty lunch and chat about 90’s action movies, zone 2 training, guitar god stuff, Ray Charles and the Disney half marathon and a bunch more. 
I had a hella good time doing this one. I hope you enjoy it even though the sound quality is kinda shit… sorry about that! It just comes with the “field recording” territory I suppose. Forgive me and enjoy this yarn with one of my biggest 6 stringspirations (smh), the fabulous Delicate Steve!

Saturday Oct 21, 2023

Here’s a little friendly catchup with some Tarkine favourites - Phil Gore, Erchana Murray Bartlett and Andrew ‘Googz’ Thorpe. Its been such a big year for all of these legends so I just figured we should catch up with where they’re at now that Run To Paradise is beginning a bright new second chapter.
I was gonna wait til we got through to Meriem Daoui, but she’s just too bloody busy! That’s why we love her though. Go Meriem!!
Anyway, I decided to release this asap because I realised Phil is only 2 sleeps away from doing the Backyard world champs, and after that, all of this might be somewhat irrelevant. 
These 3 are so great and inspiring and cool and I would’ve been more than happy to have these chats without the validation of putting it out in a podcast. 
Anyway, enjoy :)

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

Welcome back to Run To Paradise! It’s me, Nick, continuing my cock-eyed-convoluted exploration of running and the people who do it, with all the japes and tears, ups and downs and painfully stupid intros you’ve come to expect. I guess this is season 2? Lets say it is. 
Have you ever heard of the Hash House Harriers? They are a “drinking club with a running problem”. 
I hadn’t until my mate Joe Alexander (Bedroom Suck Records, Music in Exile etc.) started regaling me with bizarre stories about chasing paper trails through Malaysian rainforests and being forced to sit bare-arsed on a block of ice while singing lewd songs with a bunch of “drunked up” runners.
This sent me on a path of advanced silliness and discovery, finding out what this old, beloved and somewhat misunderstood club is all about. I spoke to Joey, his Dad - long time Hash enthusiast Borneo Bob - and finally participated in my own Hash run with the weird and wonderful Fremantle Heave Ho Hash House Harriers and Harriets aka. H6.
This episode is a real time documentation of one man (me) being introduced to one of the most storied running / drinking clubs in the world, and all the joy, confusion and hilarity that went with it.  
Enormous thanks to Joe and Rob Alexander aka. Borneo Bob, and the wonderful H6 club. You’re all mad.
This podcast is supported - and conceived - by the good people at Tarkine, Western Australia's very own, environmentally-focused running shoe company.

Thursday May 18, 2023

“Milly Milly Milly
You’re a silly billy
It’s way too chilly
To climb up hilly”
Milly by N.R.Allbrook
Milly Young climbs up glacial mountain faces and runs across boggy wildernesses and just seems to be having a wicked time doing it. She set the FKT for running the 165km from Scotts Peak Dam to Cockle Creek in Tasmania, but the most impressive thing for me is the joy with which she approaches the sport. There's so much self flagellation, over analysis and gnashing of teeth in the running and adventure world - overcoming pain. Pushing the limits. GETTING and STAYING HARD (sic.) but she does it for the most obvious and sublime reason of all - it’s fun! This hit me like a mighty blast of fresh Swiss mountain snow right in the face.
In this chat we also figured out Milly is an experimental ambient sound artist and a studio engineer and she didn’t bloody know it, which to me epitomises something very cool which is easily lost from art and outdoor movement - that it holds inherent value, no matter the kudos. You might "be" something without wearing the glittering badges or yelling it from the rooftops. 
We also talk about sounds, her kangaroo shod Dad, b&s balls (not as sordid as it sounds*), fear, adventures in the Alps and much more. 
From Kojinup to Chamonix, the wonderful, gutsy and inspiring Milly Young. 

Monday Apr 17, 2023

509 kilometres in 76 hours…
Phil Gore is made of something different. Steel? Mist? Some rare martian alloy? Whatever it is it can keep on moving after it has lost its mind entirely and forgotten what the hell it's even doing here…
Phil is a Tarkine elite, 2022 Australian Male Ultra Runner of the Year, AURA Ultra Performance of the Year and the Australian Backyard Ultra Champion, who has turned this strange and torturous event into a unique art form. In this chat he takes us through the various tools that make him virtually untouchable in this space - meditation, meticulous planning and focus, sleep, food, his dedicated crew, and the strange process of weaving the mundanities of real life into a race that might take up to 3 or 4 days. 
I gained a real appreciation, not only of what it takes to be one of the best in the world but also of the inclusivity and sociability within the Backyard Ultra community. 
As Phil says, it’s more of a mind game than a physical game, and he trains both with equal discipline and drive.
Phil is searching for his limits and goes to some quite trippy places in the process.

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

“Running is meant to be fun, it's meant to be liberating, it's meant to make you feel free. If you focus too much on how fast you run or what place you come it becomes toxic.”
This week I talk to one of my heroes - the irrepressible Meriem Daoui! Meriem is an athlete, a running coach and an oncology nurse and is infuriatingly humble about being so blindingly brilliant. She wouldn’t even let me say she had been voted the Best Tasmanian in Tasmania Award 2022 even though it (sort of) true!! Oh yeah and in 2021 she received the Peter Norman Humanitarian Award for leading a number of fundraising initiatives for cancer causes as well as her work with the Muslim Women in Sport Network. She’s been doing this since she was 16.
Meriem has many powerful insights to share about maintaining an athletic lifestyle and a generosity of spirit through myriad challenges; as a woman of faith and colour surviving racism and bullying in Australia, living with type one diabetes and surviving mental ill health and eating disorder. 
This episode gets pretty heavy and powerful, and the passion with which Meriem speaks about her own challenges and the way they’ve informed her approach to helping others to navigate the choppy waters of human life is unbelievably inspiring and moving. Her advice on these things is from a place of lived experience and true empathy. We both open up about mental illness and disordered eating in a very vulnerable way and I’m endlessly grateful for Meriem’s honesty and strength in creating a safe space for real discussion.
If this discussion of mental health and eating disorders has raised any concerns or triggered anything for you, don’t hesitate to call Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
And remember, “It’s ok not to be ok”

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